Walking up and down the beach on Isla Holbox, it’s apparent that for many visitors, doing, doesn’t involve much more than these three staples of Island life: Sun, Sand, and Beer.
However, walk a little further on either side of the island, past the string of restaurants and hotels, and you’ll realize that Isla Holbox is actually larger than it first seems.
There are several tours that are offered on the Island. At both Tribu and Idy y Vuelta, tours can be booked through the hostel. If staying somewhere else, you can certainly get information, but may need to book on your own.
There are several tour operators on the island. At the North East corner of the park, if you head to the street on your right, you’ll find information near where bikes can be rented.
But, before you book, you might want to stop and talk to Jose, who runs a small handicraft shop on this street as well. Originally from Merida, Jose lived in the US for a number of years. His English (and also Spanish) is perfect. And he has no interest in pressuring you to book a tour, but has plenty of information if you want some advice or help with booking. He’s also just great to talk to.

Jose’s Souvenir Shop
Swimming with Whale Sharks is one of the island’s biggest attractions. However, this is seasonal (May-September). Other times of the year, kite-surfing, fishing trips, bird watching, visiting nearby islands, and crocodile wrestling are all also offered.
Actually it’s crocodile watching. Just seeing if you were paying attention.
Another option is to head out and explore the island on your own, or with friends, of course. But forget the tours and the lounge chairs for a day and check out both of the far points of the island. Punto Mosquito is to the East. You can follow the street, Paseo Kuka, to it’s far end at the River (read: crocodiles.) Or explore the western Points, where you can view Isla Pasion. We sent out on a mission to walk the sand bank to Isla Pasion from Holbox. You’ll have to time the tides right, and figure out the easiest way to reach the sand bank from Holbox.
Regardless, there is fun to be had, and once you are away from downtown, the island starts to feel more like an island. It even feels deserted past a certain point, like you have the entire place to yourself.
Bikes can be rented, for P$15-P$20 and hour, or P$100-P$120 for the day, from two spots on the same street. At the North East corner of the park, head to your right. And if renting for the day, it’s a good idea to make sure the bike is comfortable.
Golf Carts are also an option, though a pricier option. Rentals start at P$120/hour, and are P$700 until 8pm. 24 hour rental is P$900.