Getting // Going : San Marcos

Lake Destinations:

There is only one dock in San Marcos, Guatemala, which makes life easy. Here, you can catch a boat either to Panajachel (Q20 or Q25) or to San Pedro (Q10). If your heading to San Juan, the stop will be on your way to San Pedro. And Santa Cruz, and Jiabalito will be on your way to Panajachel. Be sure to let the captain know if you want to stop at any of these destinations along the way.

To head to Santiago, you’ll take the boat to San Pedro. Then either in tuk-tuk (Q5) or by foot, you’ll leave the Pana Dock, and head across town a few blocks to the dock for Santiago.

The last boats either to Panajachel or San Pedro should be around 6pm, though it’s worth asking to be sure.

Far and away:

Also, to head for non-lake destinations from San Marcos, there are tour agencies here offering shuttles as well. Remember that there’s no ATM in San Marcos, however. So if you’re going to need extra money to book a shuttle, you might be heading to San Pedro or Panajachel for cash anyway.


GETTING // GOING          •          SLEEPING          •          EATING          •         DOING

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